9 Morning Meditation Tips to Kickstart Your Day With Focus and Energy
Your alarm goes off and your mind immediately revs into high gear. But before you charge into your day, consider setting a different, more mindful tone with a morning meditation. “Meditating in the morning helps sharpen foc
Build Boulder Shoulders With the Arnold Press
Despite all the noble reasons to strength train — increasing your bone density, metabolic rate, and mood — it’s OK if you’re motivated by more superficial goals, like growing some big ol’ arms. There exists an exerc
The Bountiful Benefits of Bilberry
There’s no way around it: Berries are good for you. So good, in fact, that their potential benefits have been captured in supplement form. Now, instead of receiving confused looks from an overwhelmed farmer’s market clerk
Got Parental Burnout? JBYB’s Carmel Rodriguez on Striking “Perfectly Imperfect” Balance
Trying to juggle work, family time, fitness goals, healthy eating, self-care, and social events can be overwhelming. So how does Carmel Rodriguez — Just Bring Your Body trainer, fitness influencer, model, entrepreneur, and
Is Krill Oil Better Than Fish Oil? Here Are the Key Differences
Healthy oils. Good fats. Years ago, those were oxymorons. Now we know that the natural compounds in some oils and fats — like omega-3 fatty acids and monounsaturated fats — have several health benefits. You might have hea
Avoid These 11 Common Indoor Cycling Mistakes
Indoor cycling isn’t as complicated a workout as, say, weightlifting or calisthenics — you’re seated, and there’s essentially one basic motion. So how much can go wrong? Plenty. There’s significant room to make mist
The Best Power Rack of 2025, According to a Personal Trainer – Breaking Muscle
A power rack allows you to safely perform weightlifting exercises like barbell squats and bench presses, without a spotter, in your home gym. Add-on accessories like pull-up bars, dip stations, and resistance bands can hel
Probiotics: How These Bacteria Can Help Boost Digestion, Immunity, and Mood
Probiotics are in the Greek yogurt you had for breakfast and the kimchi in the Buddha bowl you ordered for lunch. They’re found in the kombucha you sipped on this afternoon, and they’re in the miso paste that will go into
Best Creatine for Men of 2025 – Breaking Muscle
Creatine is a popular muscle-building supplement, and for good reason. It’s one of the most research-backed supplements for muscle growth and recovery. While some people associate creatine with weightlifters or bodybuilder
What Are the Best Supplements for Building Muscle?
When it comes to finding the best muscle-building supplements, there’s a big difference between efficacious supplements that can move the needle and those that merely deliver marketing hype. Depending on a number of factor